petals for days

Spring Petals on instagram | Portland, Oregon Wedding, Food, and Lifestyle photographer

Happy first day of spring! Spring came early in Portland. For months already the days have been sunny, sundresses have been worn on many occasion, and there are petals for days. (I call it nature's confetti.) Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a game of Candy Land where the trees are full with soft clouds of sugar-whipped candy. Scott was right when he said that spring is better here. domain name search availability I disagreed at first, but as the weeks unfold I couldn't agree more. To see more pictures like this one, follow me on instagram.


HAILEYKING PHOTOGRAPHY | Daydreams of Daphnie | Durango, Colorado | photos by HAILEYKING PHOTOGRAPHY | Daydreams of California | Durango, Colorado | photos by HAILEYKING PHOTOGRAPHY | Daydreams  | Durango, Colorado | photos by  

1.  My old view from my desk. I got a lot less work done when Daphnie was near. I'd watch her watching nothing. It brought me so much comfort to see her being a dog.

2. Finding a camp site above the clouds with Claire in Big Sur, California this June. We literally drank an entire bottle of wine we opened with a car key and slept above the clouds.

3. Coffee in bed. red toenails. cuddles with Daphnie.

I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer, to say the least. All of the above photos were taken with my iphone.
